Atriplex lentiformis

Atriplex lentiformis (Torr.) Wats.
Big saltbush

Family:  Chenopodiaceae

Habit:  Shrub,  8 to 30 dm., generally wider than tall, gray-scurfy when young.

Distribution:  Found in alkaline or saline washes, dry lakes, shrubland, California’s San Joaquin Valley, Mojave and Colorado Deserts, to Utah and Baja California.

Seed unit:  Utricle or free seed.

Seed:   Seed enclosed in a pair of appressed bracts.  Seeds are circular to oblong, brown, approximately 1.5 mm.  The outline of the ringlike embryo is evident on the exterior, along the margin, its radicle tip protruding. 

Embryo:   Peripheral embryo.

Purity instructions:   Pure seed definition: 
AOSA:  PSU #38 – Intact utricle with or without perianth, whether or not a seed is present.  Piece of broken utricle larger than one-half the original size, unless no seed is present.  Seed with or without seed coat.  Piece of broken seed with or without seed coat, larger than one-half the original size.

Lab notes:  A diaphanoscope may be helpful in conducting the purity on this species.

Average pure seed units per gram:  1,043 seeds per gram (based on AOSA pure seed units only from 62 samples received for testing from 1992 to 2004).

Range of percent pure seed:   63 to 97%

Range of percent inert:  3 to 36%

Description of inert:   Broken seed, dead insects, plant material.

Planting instructions:  400 seeds, TB, 21 days @ 20°C; for fresh and dormant seed, prechill recommended.

References:  (link to main reference page)
Hickman, J.C., Ed.  1993.  p. 504.
Martin, A.C. and W.D. Barkley.  1961.  p. 152.
Munz, P.A. and D.D. Keck.  1968.  p. 379.|
Ransom Seed Laboratory
